


Sightseeings in the direction to Nový Bor and Liberec



Nature reservation Rašeliniště (moor) Mařeničky, Ice cave Naděje (transl. hope), Swimming place Nový Bor, The top Kříž- Kalvárie in the city Cvikov, behind the city Cvikov- Dutý kámen- sundial, the hill Klíč, ski slope in Polevsko, basaltic- structured Organ in the village Kamenický Šenov, the castle Sloup.


The top Klíč (759m.a.s.) with sight at Ještěd, hill Buková and Bezděz

The top Klíč (759m.a.s.) with sight at Ještěd, hill Buková and Bezděz

Nový Bor under the top Klíč

Nový Bor under the top Klíč

From the top Klíč at the hill Buková

From the top Klíč at the hill Buková

Path Křízová in Cvikov

Path Křízová in Cvikov

Ski slope in Polevsko 7 km away from Kytlice

Ski slope in Polevsko 7 km away from Kytlice

Basaltic- structured Organ in Kamenický Šenov

Basaltic- structured Organ in Kamenický Šenov

Ruins of castle Sloup

Ruins of castle Sloup

At the castle Sloup

At the castle Sloup

The Sloup castle carved into stone

The Sloup castle carved into stone. The movie makers use the castle to shooting fairy tales




Janoušková Petra

CONTACTS: Penzion Jasmín

CONTACTS: Penzion Jasmín

CONTACTS: Penzion Jasmín

Dr. Milady Horákové St. 379/15

460 01  Liberec 4 - Perštýn

Czech Republic


Mobile phone:

00420 602 948 874


00420 485 131 601


00420 482 712 482




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